Today I was being bombarded with stories from friends who are currently in transition periods in their lives. New jobs, new relationships-no relationships, vacations on the horizon and internal conflicts you wish would just go away!
My mother once reminded me that the most tragic thought we can have as women is wishing away our days. While reminiscing, she told me that you reach a point in your life where you start wishing you had more days; you wish you could go back to certain points in your life and savour them all over again. My mother is youthful, patient, content and happy but more than anything I recognize how truly wise she is. Recently, I have been thinking about what our older generations have to say and this is something I want to share with all of you. There is so much wisdom in having patience; it’s no surprise that we hear about it all the time as being a virtue. We are all guilty of being in a vicious cycle of wishing for something else when we already have so much. Let’s stop this pattern and start encouraging one another to be ok with right now.
I know we have all had awful days where we wish the day would just end. We wish away weeks, months, even years anticipating what will come next. We find ourselves saying, I wish I would meet a guy, I wish I had a better job, I wish he would propose, I wish I could get pregnant, I wish we had that house! These feelings and questions circulate in our minds way too often. Sometimes our thoughts get away with what’s to come and sadly we end up forgetting how fortunate we are today. I wanted to post this little reminder on my blog for all of us who have been wishing away our days lately.
Be thankful for today, be hopeful for tomorrow and let’s wish only to enjoy right now!
Never wish your days away - and live for the moment. I love your post Tals. xo