Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What it's like...

It’s been a while since I last posted as I have been much to busy enjoying my beautiful little boy but here we are now...
For those of you who have yet to be blessed with children or for those who are just curious...

It's like that feeling you get when you’re looking forward to something. You know when you are bored at work but you get through the day knowing you have that night out with friends in only a couple days. Or when you are leaving on a trip and you have butterflies days before you leave. Being a mother is exhilarating. Exciting. Exhausting. But most of all fabulous! Phineas Antony Antonopoulos is the love of my life! He is extraordinary and our adventures every day have been the best days of my life! I will cherish these days forever, for a lifetime. For those of you who haven’t been up to date on my facebook page here are a couple photos.
Phin is currently having a little snooze and to be perfectly honest he looks like a little cherub as he sleeps; its bliss. So I will leave this post by saying yet again...It's like the best day ever, best job ever, it's wonderful!