Thursday, January 27, 2011

Friends from afar

This blog has really made me realize just how many friends I have all over the world. At times the world can feel like such a huge place. It can be overwhelming, isolating and frightening. Yet recently I feel like the world isn’t so large after all.
Tonight I spoke to friends in Amman, Paris, Beirut, Texas, Edmonton and of course Calgary. I think when we are feeling homesick, alone or miss friends and family we should stop to think just how connected each of us is. We are fortunate enough to live in a generation which is very advanced, enabling us to communicate with one another literally 24 hours a day. Between facebook, twitter, Black berry messenger and so on... we can keep in touch with people no matter where they are.
I do miss the days of receiving letters though; it was so exciting to receive a letter from a friend, pen pal or  Birthday card from Grandma. Now, email and social networking sites have taken over the joy of opening a handwritten letter. A few months ago I came across paperless post. It’s an e card company with a little more personal touch! You can truly personalize your card or invitation with beautiful envelopes, fonts, messages and even add stamps. This way when the recipient opens your card it's personalized, interactive and super cute. Please check out their site or better yet find some delicious stationary and write a friend or loved one. The following are some of my favorite stationary collections, thoughts ladies...

                                                    Kate Spade -

                         Christian Lacroix - Chapters, Indigo, selfridges, specialty stationary stores 

                                                     Vera Wang -

With that my lovely friends sleep well! x0x0

1 comment:

  1. very true Talia, the joys of a handwritten letter are now something of the past which is quite sad...i've always loved stationary though and i don't think it will ever go... the designs by Christian Lacroix are absolutely DIVINE!!!! love em!
